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The value of a strong smile is immeasurable. Improved health, increased confidence, and heightened quality of life are just a few of the benefits of a healthy mouth. Whether you need a six-month checkup or comprehensive restorative care, me and my team will deliver the first-class service and individualized attention you deserve. From the moment you enter my Merced, California dental office, you are our number one priority. We will take the time to get to know you and serve as your guide to achieve a fantastic smile and lasting oral health. You'll like our convenient appointment times, friendly and informed team, and dedication to delivering quality, state-of-the-art, patient-focused dentistry that improves smiles and changes lives. Click on the link below to visit my office website and facebook page.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gingivitis vs. Peridontitis...Yes There is a Difference

Gingivitis is a formal term for "bleeding" of the gums, which is reversible by proper flossing and brushing. Periodontitis means there is some degree of irreversible breakdown of the bone under the gum. Dentist have a tool , a perio probe,  which is basically a dip stick we use to measure the depth of the collar of gum around each tooth. A good measurement is "3" and NO bleeding. If we get bleeding with a value of 3, then that is gingivitis and we "slap" your hand and lecture you about flossing these areas more. Usually the bleeding is between the teeth and you can access these areas only by flossing. Brushing, alone, does not do the trick.

Now if we measure a "4" or "5" or higher, and we have bleeding, then we are having some degree of bone loss. This is not good and not reversible. The dentist has to "clean"or scale and root plane under the gums. The patient really cannot access these areas. However, once we are able to clean these areas, chances are good, healing occurs and the patient can access these areas. So, my point is, not all cleanings are the same. It is vital and so important, time is taken each year or as needed to measure these areas and explain these readings to you.

Finally, if a patient has dental insurance and the contract says "100% payment for a cleaning," please note that means your gums are healthy with NO bleeding. The definition of "prophylaxis" in the context of dentistry, means to clean above the gums. Moderate to severe Gingivitis and Periodontitis places the patient under another category with your insurance. Instead of 100% payment for preventive work, this changes to the basic category which could mean paying a deductible and a percentage (usual 20%) for the treatment. So don't think the dentist is pulling a fast one on you. Invest a little now to clean them properly and get into the habit of proper home oral hygiene.

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