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The value of a strong smile is immeasurable. Improved health, increased confidence, and heightened quality of life are just a few of the benefits of a healthy mouth. Whether you need a six-month checkup or comprehensive restorative care, me and my team will deliver the first-class service and individualized attention you deserve. From the moment you enter my Merced, California dental office, you are our number one priority. We will take the time to get to know you and serve as your guide to achieve a fantastic smile and lasting oral health. You'll like our convenient appointment times, friendly and informed team, and dedication to delivering quality, state-of-the-art, patient-focused dentistry that improves smiles and changes lives. Click on the link below to visit my office website and facebook page.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Importance of Flossing

Flossing is relatively easy, right? So why are there so many people who don’t do it? Here at my practice, me and my team want to be sure you understand how important it is.

Flossing removes bacteria between your teeth that...if left alone...turns into plaque, and then tartar. Tartar buildup can be hard on your teeth and gums and can only be removed through professional cleanings. If tartar is not removed it can cause gum swelling or bleeding, commonly called gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease. The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once each day as part of your oral care routine.

Is There A “Rule of Thumb” For Flossing Frequency?

I've come to the conclusion that I should tell all my patients to floss seven times a day....that way perhaps they will do it once a day.  A little overkill?..Maybe...but at least they know that my goal is to get them to floss. There are lots of ways to properly floss. One good idea is to first use your toothbrush to spread your toothpaste around in your mouth. Then, without rinsing, floss before you brush because the floss can carry the fluoride in your toothpaste to places in your mouth where your toothbrush can’t reach. It is best to floss at night, before you go to bed. That way you don’t have to worry about the bacteria from your day’s meals sitting in between your teeth for 8 hours.

Why Are There So Many Floss Choices And Techniques?

For something as simple as a piece of string rolled up inside a plastic container, how is it that there so many varieties? Waxed or unwaxed?…Mint or cinnamon?…Flat or rounded…? Regular floss or a floss wand? We understand that this myriad of choices might make it seem impossible to choose. Luckily, there really isn’t a wrong choice! The only reason there are so many choices is because there are so many different types of mouths and teeth. All you have to do is find the thickness, flavor and type that you like the best and you’re good to go! Our team reminds you that the type you use isn’t nearly as important as your regularity in using it. So, pick a flavor, set your routine, and get flossing! Keep your teeth healthy and clean!

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